PM Janman Yojana 2024: PM PVTG Mission Benefits & Eligibility

PM Janman Yojana 2024 Apply Online & Application Form | PM Janman Yojana Check Benefits & Features | PM Janman Yojana Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | PM Janman Yojana Check Selection & Implementation Procedure | PM Janman Yojana Check Eligibility & All Details |

A government program called the PM Janman Yojana aims to give expecting mothers and newborns in India financial support. This program, which was started by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, expects to be able to lower the rates of maternal and infant mortality and guarantee the health of the mother and child both during and after pregnancy. The program is essential in lowering the nation’s rates of maternal and infant death as well as empowering women.

This article will provide you with all types of information about PM Janman Yojana 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. Apart from this, we will share the process to apply online for this scheme. To get complete information about this scheme, read this article till the end.

PM Janman Yojana 

A government program called the PM Janman Yojana aims to support bride and groom financially so that they can maintain their health and that of their child. Through financial assistance for prenatal and postnatal and care and nutrition, this program seeks to lower the rates of maternal and infant death. The program’s objective is to give new moms financial support so they can get the right medical care and nourishment both before and after giving birth.

This program offers eligible expectant mothers financial assistance for prenatal and postnatal care, as well as for childbirth. The objective is to guarantee that every expectant mother in the nation has access to high-quality medical care labour and birth. gets the assistance she needs to have a safe Women who meet the eligibility requirements can benefit from the program and enhance their own and their children’s general health outcomes.

PM Janman Yojana: PM PVTG Mission Benefits & Eligibility

Highlights of PM Janman Yojana 2024

The highlights of this scheme are as follows:- 

Name Of The PortalPM Janman Yojana
Launched ByPrime Minister
Delegated MinistryMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology
Allocated PortalWill be updated soon
ObjectiveTo reduce the number of maternal deaths
Benefit This will improve their chances of survival and overall health
Applicable To Citizens of India
Beneficiaries Residents
Form of BenefitFacilitation of Prenatal or Maternity Care
Payment MechanismPFMS
Hosting SiteNational Information Center (NIC)
Mode Of ApplicationOnline 
Last Date To Apply OnlineWill be updated soon
Official WebsiteWill be updated soon

Objectives of PM Janman Yojana 2024

The scheme aims to reduce the number of maternal deaths by providing financial assistance for antenatal care, skilled medical professionals during childbirth, and postnatal care. By ensuring that pregnant women receive the necessary medical attention, the government aims to prevent complications and improve the overall health of both mother and child.

The scheme also aims to reduce the number of infant deaths by providing financial assistance for immunization, nutrition, and other essential healthcare services for newborns. By focusing on the well-being of newborns, the government aims to improve their chances of survival and overall health. By applying for the PM Janman Yojana, you can avail the benefits of this government scheme and ensure a secure and healthy start for your newborn. Take advantage of this opportunity and apply online today!

Beneficiary Category

The PM Janman Yojana is available to all pregnant women in India, regardless of their socio-economic background. The scheme specifically targets women who belong to economically disadvantaged sections of society, as they often face greater challenges in accessing quality healthcare services.

Application & Enrollment Process

The application and enrollment process for the PM Janman Yojana is simple and user-friendly. Interested pregnant women can apply through the official website or by visiting the nearest healthcare centre. The last dates for enrollment are updated regularly on the website, ensuring that women have ample time to submit their applications.

Selection Procedure

The selection procedure for the scheme is based on certain criteria, including the woman’s socio-economic status and her medical history. Priority is given to those who are most in need of financial assistance and healthcare support. Once selected, the eligible women receive the necessary financial aid for their prenatal and postnatal care.

Implementation Procedure

The implementation of the PM Janman Yojana is carried out by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in collaboration with various healthcare institutions and organizations. The scheme is implemented at both the national and state levels, ensuring that pregnant women across the country can benefit from its provisions.

Facilitation of Supervision

The supervision and monitoring of the scheme are overseen by a dedicated body comprising representatives from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders. This ensures that the scheme is effectively implemented and that the intended objectives are met.

Key Guidelines

Key guidelines for the PM Janman Yojana include:-

  • Providing financial assistance for prenatal and postnatal care
  • Ensuring access to skilled medical professionals during childbirth
  • Supporting immunization and nutrition for newborns
  • Empowering women through financial support
  • Promoting awareness about the importance of maternal and child health
  • Ensuring timely and adequate healthcare services for pregnant women
  • Encouraging the adoption of healthy practices during pregnancy
  • Facilitating easy and user-friendly enrollment procedures
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation of the scheme’s implementation
  • Collaboration with healthcare institutions and organizations for effective implementation

Health Insurance Coverage

One of the primary objectives of the PM Janman Yojana is to provide health insurance coverage to individuals and their families. This coverage includes cashless treatment at a wide network of hospitals across the country. By offering financial protection against medical expenses, the scheme ensures that individuals can avail of necessary healthcare services without any financial burden.

Comprehensive Coverage

The PM Janman Yojana offers comprehensive coverage, including pre-existing disease coverage. This means that individuals with pre-existing medical conditions can also avail of the benefits of the scheme. This provision ensures that no one is left behind when it comes to accessing quality healthcare services.

No Age Limit

Unlike many other health insurance schemes, the PM Janman Yojana does not have any age limit. This means that individuals of all age groups, from infants to senior citizens, can avail of the benefits of the scheme. This inclusivity ensures that everyone has equal access to healthcare services, regardless of their age.


The PM Janman Yojana also offers the benefit of portability. This means that individuals who have already enrolled in other health insurance schemes can easily switch to the PM Janman Yojana without losing their accumulated benefits. This flexibility allows individuals to choose the scheme that best suits their needs and preferences.

Paperless & Cashless Transactions

The PM Janman Yojana promotes paperless and cashless transactions, making the entire process hassle-free and convenient. Individuals can easily apply for the scheme online and make cashless transactions at empanelled hospitals. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures transparency and accountability in the healthcare system.

Empowerment of Women

One of the notable aspects of the PM Janman Yojana is its focus on the empowerment of women. The scheme recognizes the importance of women’s health and well-being and aims to provide them with equal access to healthcare services. By ensuring comprehensive coverage and cashless treatment, the scheme enables women to take care of their health without any financial constraints.

Awareness & Information

To ensure maximum outreach and participation, the PM Janman Yojana emphasizes creating awareness and providing information about the scheme. Through various communication channels, including social media, print media, and community outreach programs, the scheme aims to educate individuals, especially women, about the benefits and enrollment process of the scheme. This awareness-building approach plays a crucial role in reaching out to the target audience and ensuring the success of the scheme.

Health & Nutrition Support

Under the PM Janman Yojana, pregnant women and lactating mothers are provided with health and nutrition support. This includes regular check-ups, access to prenatal and postnatal care, and nutritional supplements. Healthcare providers collaborating with the program play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of the beneficiaries. They are responsible for conducting regular check-ups, monitoring the health of the mother and the child, and providing necessary medical interventions when required.

In addition to healthcare services, the program also focuses on providing nutrition support to pregnant women and lactating mothers. This includes the distribution of nutrient-rich food items and supplements to ensure a healthy diet during pregnancy and lactation.

Maternity Benefit Program

The PM Janman Yojana also offers maternity benefits to eligible women. These benefits are aimed at providing financial assistance during pregnancy and after childbirth. Eligible women can receive a cash incentive for institutional delivery, which encourages them to give birth in healthcare facilities under the supervision of trained professionals. This helps to ensure a safe and hygienic environment for both the mother and the child. In addition to the cash incentive for institutional delivery, eligible women also receive a maternity benefit of a fixed amount.

Impact on Poverty and Food Security

PM Janman Yojana has had a significant impact on reducing poverty and improving food security in India. By providing financial assistance and resources to the most vulnerable sections of society, the program has helped in uplifting their living conditions. The implementation of this scheme has resulted in increased access to nutritious food, improved healthcare facilities, and enhanced livelihood opportunities for the beneficiaries.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite its positive impact, PM Janman Yojana faces certain challenges and limitations. One of the key challenges is the identification and targeting of the most deserving beneficiaries. Ensuring that the benefits reach the intended recipients without any leakage or corruption is crucial to the success of the program. Additionally, there is a need for better coordination between different government departments and agencies involved in the implementation of the scheme.

Beneficiary Success Stories

PM Janman Yojana has transformed the lives of numerous beneficiaries across the country. One such success story is that of Ramesh, a farmer from a remote village. With the financial assistance provided under the scheme, Ramesh was able to purchase modern agricultural equipment and improve his farming techniques. As a result, his crop yield increased significantly, leading to improved income and a better standard of living for his family.

Comparison with Similar Schemes

PM Janman Yojana can be compared to similar schemes implemented in other countries. While each scheme has its unique features, the underlying objective remains the same – to alleviate poverty and improve food security. By studying and learning from the experiences of other countries, India can further enhance the effectiveness of PM Janman Yojana.

Government Improvement Efforts

The government has been proactive in addressing the limitations and challenges of PM Janman Yojana. Efforts are being made to streamline the identification and targeting process of beneficiaries through the use of technology and data analytics. Additionally, regular monitoring and evaluation of the program are being conducted to identify areas for improvement and ensure the efficient utilization of resources.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation play a crucial role in assessing the impact and effectiveness of PM Janman Yojana. Regular monitoring helps in identifying any gaps or issues in the implementation process, while evaluation provides insights into the overall outcomes and achievements of the program. This feedback loop enables the government to make necessary adjustments and improvements for better results.

Public Awareness and Outreach

Creating public awareness about PM Janman Yojana is vital for its success. The government has been actively engaging in outreach activities to educate the public about the benefits and eligibility criteria of the scheme. Through various media channels, including television, radio, and social media, information about the program is being disseminated to reach a wider audience and ensure maximum participation.

NGO and Stakeholder Partnerships

Collaboration with NGOs and other stakeholders is crucial for the successful implementation of PM Janman Yojana. These partnerships help in reaching out to the most marginalized sections of society and ensure that the benefits of the scheme are effectively delivered. NGOs play a significant role in identifying eligible beneficiaries, providing assistance in the application process, and monitoring the utilization of resources.

Improvement Suggestions

While PM Janman Yojana has made significant progress, there is always room for improvement. Some suggestions for further enhancement include:-

  • Strengthening the grievance redressal mechanism to address any complaints or issues faced by the beneficiaries.
  • Expanding the scope of the program to include skill development and vocational training initiatives to enhance the employability of the beneficiaries.
  • Collaborating with private sector organizations to create employment opportunities and promote entrepreneurship among the beneficiaries.
  • Increasing transparency in the selection process of beneficiaries to build trust and confidence in the program.

Benefits of PM Janman Yojana 2024

The benefits of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Health Insurance Coverage: The scheme provides health insurance coverage of up to Rs. 5 lakh per family per year, ensuring access to quality healthcare services without financial burden.
  • Cashless Treatment: Under this scheme, beneficiaries can avail cashless treatment at empanelled hospitals, eliminating the need for out-of-pocket expenses during medical emergencies.
  • Wide Network of Hospitals: PMJAY has a vast network of empanelled hospitals across the country, ensuring easy accessibility to healthcare services for beneficiaries.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: The scheme covers a wide range of medical treatments, including surgeries, diagnostics, medication, and pre- and post-hospitalization expenses.
  • Pre-Existing Disease Coverage: Unlike many other insurance schemes, PMJAY covers pre-existing diseases from day one, providing relief to individuals with chronic health conditions.
  • No Age Limit: There is no age limit for beneficiaries under PMJAY, ensuring that people of all age groups can avail the benefits of this scheme.
  • Portability: The scheme allows beneficiaries to avail treatment at any empanelled hospital across the country, making it convenient for individuals who need to travel for medical purposes.
  • Paperless and Cashless Transactions: PMJAY promotes paperless and cashless transactions, reducing administrative hassles and ensuring transparency in the healthcare system.
  • Empowerment of Women: PMJAY focuses on women empowerment by ensuring that the female head of the household is the primary beneficiary of the scheme.
  • Awareness and Information: The scheme aims to create awareness and provide information about health and wellness, encouraging individuals to adopt preventive healthcare practices.

Features Of PM Janman Yojana 2024

The features of this award are as follows:-

  • Financial Assistance: Under the PM Janman Yojana, eligible families will receive financial assistance of a fixed amount to cover the expenses related to childbirth and postnatal care.
  • Universal Coverage: This scheme is available to all families, regardless of their income level or social status. It ensures that every child, regardless of their background, has equal access to essential healthcare services.
  • Easy Registration Process: The registration process for the PM Janman Yojana is simple and can be done online. This makes it convenient for families to enroll and avail the benefits of the scheme.
  • Health and Nutrition Support: In addition to financial assistance, the PM Janman Yojana also provides support for healthcare and nutrition. This includes immunization, regular health check-ups, and nutritional supplements for the child.
  • Maternity Benefit Program: The scheme also includes a maternity benefit program that provides financial assistance to pregnant women for their healthcare needs during pregnancy.
  • Empowering Women: The PM Janman Yojana aims to empower women by ensuring their health and well-being during pregnancy and childbirth. It also promotes gender equality by providing equal opportunities for both boys and girls.
  • Awareness and Education: The scheme emphasizes the importance of awareness and education regarding maternal and child health. It encourages families to seek proper healthcare services and provides information on nutrition and child development.
  • Financial Security: By providing financial assistance, the PM Janman Yojana helps families to overcome the financial burden associated with childbirth. This ensures that families can focus on the well-being and development of their child without worrying about financial constraints.
  • Collaboration with Healthcare Providers: The scheme works in collaboration with healthcare providers to ensure that quality healthcare services are provided to families. This includes tie-ups with hospitals, clinics, and healthcare professionals.
  • Long-term Impact: The PM Janman Yojana aims to have a long-term impact on the health and well-being of children. By providing proper healthcare and nutrition during the early years, it sets a strong foundation for their overall development.

PM Janman Yojana Eligibility Criteria 

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online for this scheme:-

  • Income Criteria: The scheme is primarily targeted towards economically disadvantaged sections of society. Therefore, the income criteria are set to ensure that those who truly require financial assistance are able to benefit from the scheme.
  • Age Criteria: The scheme is applicable to women who are between the ages of 19 and 45. This ensures that both younger and older women who are in need of support during pregnancy and childbirth can avail of the benefits.
  • Health Check-up: To be eligible for the scheme, women must undergo regular health check-ups during pregnancy. This is to ensure that they receive proper medical care and to monitor the health of both the mother and the child.
  • Registration: It is mandatory for eligible women to register for the scheme. This can be done through the designated government portal or at the local health center.
  • Documentation: Women need to provide necessary documents such as proof of age, income, and identity to avail of the benefits under the PM Janman Yojana.

Important Documents 

Some of the important documents required to apply online for this award are as follows:-

  • Birth Certificate
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Bank Account Details
  • Income Certificate
  • Photographs

PM Janman Yojana Apply Online 2024

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online:-

  • Visit the official website of the PM Janman Yojana.
  • Look for the “Apply Online” section on the homepage.
  • Click on the “Apply Now” button.
  • You will be redirected to an application form.
  • Fill in all the required details, such as your personal information, bank account details, and the details of the newborn.
  • Double-check all the information provided to ensure accuracy.
  • Submit the application form.

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