Karunya Health Insurance Scheme 2024: Apply Online & Eligibility Criteria

Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Apply Online & Application Form | Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Check Benefits & Features | Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Check Selection & Implementation Procedure | Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Check Eligibility & All Details | 

The Keralan government launched a comprehensive healthcare program called the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme. The purpose of this program is to give families and individuals who cannot afford high-quality healthcare services financial support. The Karunya Health Insurance Scheme was created with accessibility and inclusivity in mind, guaranteeing that every Keralan has access to reasonably priced healthcare. Long-term protection is ensured by the renewability feature, and a broad range of people can afford the premiums.

This article will provide all types of information about the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. We will also share the process to apply online for this scheme. To get complete information about this scheme, read this article till the end.

Karunya Health Insurance Scheme          

A vital component of financial planning is health insurance, which gives people and families the required coverage and defense against unanticipated medical costs. The Karunya Health Insurance Scheme is one such all-inclusive health insurance plan. This plan, which was created to meet the healthcare needs of the people of Kerala, provides a plethora of features and benefits that guarantee full coverage at reasonable premiums. For people looking for financial stability and extensive coverage, this plan is a great option.

Comprehensive coverage is offered by the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme, which includes ambulance fees, Ayurvedic treatments, coverage for critical illnesses, pre- and post-hospitalization expenses, and cashless treatment. This program meets the various healthcare needs of individuals and families by offering a family floater option and no medical examination requirement. Long-term protection is ensured by the renewability feature, and a broad range of people can afford the premiums.

Karunya Health Insurance Scheme: Apply Online & Eligibility Criteria

Highlights of Karunya Health Insurance Scheme 2024

The highlights of this scheme are as follows:- 

Name Of SchemeKarunya Health Insurance Scheme
Launched By State Government of Kerala
Delegated MinistryMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology 
ObjectiveTo alleviate the financial burden associated with medical expenses
Benefit This will reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases and improve overall health outcomes in the state
Applicable To Residents of Kerala
Beneficiaries Economically Weaker Sections, Disabled Persons, Senior Citizens, & Families Living Below the Poverty Line
Mode Of TransferDBT (Direct Benefit Transfer)
Payment Mechanisme-payment mechanism or PFMS
Form of BenefitFinancial Assistance
Amount of benefitVariable Assistance
Hosting SiteNational Information Center (NIC)
Last Date To Apply OnlineWill be updated soon
Mode Of ApplicationOnline 
Official WebsiteClick Here

Objectives of Karunya Health Insurance Scheme 2024

The primary objective of the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme is to alleviate the financial burden associated with medical expenses. By offering health insurance coverage, the scheme aims to enable individuals to seek medical treatment without worrying about the high costs involved. This not only ensures that people receive timely medical care but also helps prevent the escalation of health issues due to delayed treatment.

Another important objective of the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme is to promote preventive healthcare practices. Through regular health check-ups and screenings, the scheme encourages individuals to proactively monitor their health and take necessary preventive measures. By emphasizing the importance of early detection and intervention, the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme aims to reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases and improve overall health outcomes in the state.

Beneficiary Category 

The Karunya Health Insurance Scheme covers a wide range of beneficiaries, including individuals from economically weaker sections, disabled persons, senior citizens, and families living below the poverty line. The scheme ensures that these vulnerable groups have access to quality healthcare services without any financial constraints. By prioritizing the needs of these beneficiary categories, the scheme aims to address the healthcare disparities prevalent in society.

Application Enrollment Last Dates

To avail the benefits of the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme, individuals can apply through the designated enrollment process. The scheme has specific enrollment periods, and interested individuals must submit their applications within the specified dates. It is important for applicants to be aware of the last dates for enrollment to ensure they do not miss out on the opportunity to avail the benefits of the scheme.

Selection Procedure 

The selection procedure for the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme is based on certain criteria set by the government. The scheme aims to prioritize individuals with critical illnesses and those who require immediate medical attention. The selection process ensures that those in urgent need of healthcare services receive the necessary financial assistance through the scheme.

Implementation Procedure 

The implementation of the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, healthcare providers, and insurance companies. The scheme is implemented through a well-defined procedure that ensures seamless delivery of healthcare services to the beneficiaries. This includes the establishment of network hospitals, coordination with healthcare professionals, and timely reimbursement of medical expenses.

Supervision Body 

The supervision and monitoring of the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme are carried out by a dedicated body appointed by the government. This body ensures that the scheme is being implemented effectively and that the beneficiaries are receiving the intended benefits. Regular audits and evaluations are conducted to assess the impact of the scheme and make necessary improvements.

Comprehensive Coverage

The Scheme provides comprehensive coverage for various medical expenses. This includes cashless treatment, where policyholders can avail of medical services without having to pay upfront. The scheme also covers pre and post-hospitalization expenses, ensuring that policyholders are financially protected during their entire healthcare journey. Additionally, critical illness coverage is included, offering financial support in case of major health issues.

Ayurvedic Treatments

One unique feature of the Scheme is the inclusion of coverage for Ayurvedic treatments. Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine, is known for its holistic approach to healthcare. With this scheme, policyholders have the option to avail of Ayurvedic treatments, ensuring a comprehensive and well-rounded healthcare experience.

Ambulance Charges

In times of medical emergencies, quick and efficient transportation is crucial. The Scheme covers ambulance charges, ensuring that policyholders have access to timely and safe transportation to medical facilities. This feature provides peace of mind during critical situations and eliminates the financial burden of ambulance services.

No Medical Check-Up Required

Unlike many health insurance schemes, the Scheme does not require policyholders to undergo a medical check-up before availing of the benefits. This makes it accessible to individuals of all ages and health conditions, ensuring that everyone can have access to the necessary healthcare coverage.

Family Floater Option

The Scheme offers a family floater option, allowing individuals to extend the coverage to their family members. This means that the entire family can be covered under a single policy, simplifying the process and reducing administrative hassles. The family floater option ensures that the entire family is protected against medical expenses, providing peace of mind and financial security.


Renewability is a crucial aspect of any health insurance scheme, and the Scheme offers this feature. Policyholders can renew their policies annually, ensuring continuous coverage and protection. This feature eliminates the worry of being left uninsured and provides long-term security for the policyholders and their families.

Affordable Premiums

One of the key advantages of the Scheme is its affordability. The scheme offers competitive premiums, making it accessible to individuals from various economic backgrounds. The affordable premiums ensure that individuals and families can avail of comprehensive healthcare coverage without straining their finances.

Key Guidelines 

The key guidelines are as follows:- 

  • Eligible beneficiaries must provide valid proof of identity and income.
  • The scheme provides coverage for both inpatient and outpatient medical expenses.
  • Pre-existing conditions are covered after a waiting period of 3 years.
  • Beneficiaries can avail of cashless treatment at network hospitals.
  • Emergency medical expenses are covered under the scheme.
  • Transportation expenses for medical purposes are also covered.
  • Special provisions are made for individuals with disabilities.
  • Maternity benefits are provided for eligible beneficiaries.
  • Follow-up treatments and post-operative care are covered.
  • Expenses related to organ transplantation are covered.

Important Instructions 

Some important instructions issued for applicants are as follows:- 

  • Beneficiaries must carry their health insurance card at all times.
  • Any changes in personal details must be updated with the scheme authorities.
  • Fraudulent claims can lead to legal action.
  • Beneficiaries should utilize the services of network hospitals for cashless treatment.
  • Prescribed medications should be procured from authorized pharmacies.
  • Any grievances or complaints should be reported to the scheme authorities.
  • Regular health check-ups are encouraged for early detection of diseases.
  • Beneficiaries should be aware of the coverage limits and exclusions of the scheme.
  • Proper documentation should be maintained for reimbursement claims.
  • Beneficiaries should actively participate in health awareness programs organized by the scheme.

Tips & Tricks

Some tips and tricks are as follows:-

  • Stay updated with the latest information and announcements regarding the scheme.
  • Keep all necessary documents and proofs readily available for the enrollment process.
  • Consult with healthcare professionals to understand the benefits and coverage of the scheme.
  • Utilize preventive healthcare services offered under the scheme to maintain good health.
  • Report any discrepancies or issues faced during the enrollment or claims process.
  • Take advantage of the scheme’s tie-ups with various healthcare providers to access quality services.
  • Encourage family members and friends to enroll in the scheme for comprehensive healthcare coverage.
  • Regularly review the scheme’s guidelines and updates to make the most of the benefits.
  • Seek guidance from the scheme authorities for any queries or concerns.
  • Spread awareness about the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme to ensure maximum participation.

General Points to Remember

Some general points to remember are as follows:-

  • The Karunya Health Insurance Scheme aims to provide accessible and affordable healthcare for all.
  • It covers a wide range of beneficiaries, including economically weaker sections and disabled individuals.
  • Enrollment must be done within the specified dates to avail the benefits of the scheme.
  • The scheme emphasizes preventive healthcare practices and early detection of diseases.
  • Proper documentation and adherence to guidelines are essential for smooth processing of claims.
  • Regular monitoring and supervision ensure effective implementation of the scheme.
  • Beneficiaries should actively participate in health awareness programs and utilize preventive healthcare services.
  • Any grievances or issues should be reported to the scheme authorities for resolution.
  • Stay informed about the latest updates and announcements regarding the scheme for maximum benefits.
  • Encourage others to enroll in the scheme to promote inclusive healthcare in Kerala.

Benefits of Karunya Health Insurance Scheme 2024

The benefits of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Comprehensive coverage: The Karunya Health Insurance Scheme provides comprehensive coverage for various medical expenses, including hospitalization, surgeries, medication, diagnostic tests, and more.
  • Cashless treatment: Policyholders can avail of cashless treatment at empanelled hospitals and healthcare facilities, reducing the financial burden during medical emergencies.
  • Pre and post-hospitalization expenses: The scheme covers pre and post-hospitalization expenses, ensuring continuity of care and support for policyholders.
  • Critical illness coverage: Karunya Health Insurance Scheme also offers coverage for critical illnesses, providing financial assistance for expensive treatments and medications.
  • Ayurvedic treatments: The policy extends coverage for Ayurvedic treatments and therapies, giving policyholders the option to choose alternative forms of healthcare.
  • Ambulance charges: The scheme covers ambulance charges, ensuring timely transportation to medical facilities during emergencies.
  • No medical check-up required: Policyholders do not need to undergo medical check-ups or provide any documentation for pre-existing conditions, making it easily accessible for individuals with existing health issues.
  • Family floater option: The scheme allows policyholders to include their family members under a single policy, ensuring comprehensive coverage for the entire family.
  • Renewability: The Karunya Health Insurance Scheme offers lifelong renewability, allowing policyholders to continue enjoying the benefits even during old age.
  • Affordable premiums: The premiums for the scheme are designed to be affordable, making it accessible to individuals from various socio-economic backgrounds.

Features Of Karunya Health Insurance Scheme 2024

The features of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The Karunya Health Insurance Scheme offers extensive coverage for a wide range of medical expenses, including hospitalization, surgeries, specialist consultations, diagnostic tests, and medicines.
  • Cashless Treatment: Under this scheme, policyholders can avail of cashless treatment at empanelled hospitals and healthcare providers. This eliminates the need for upfront payments and provides ease of access to quality healthcare.
  • Affordable Premium: The scheme is designed to be affordable, with low premium amounts. This makes it accessible to individuals from all income groups, including those from economically weaker sections.
  • Inclusion of Pre-existing Conditions: Unlike many other health insurance plans, the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme covers pre-existing medical conditions from day one of the policy. This ensures that individuals with pre-existing illnesses receive the necessary treatment without any waiting periods.
  • No Maximum Age Limit: The scheme has no maximum age limit, making it suitable for both younger individuals and elderly citizens. This ensures that individuals of all ages can be covered under the plan.
  • Family Floater Option: The scheme allows for a family floater option, where the entire family can be covered under a single policy. This provides comprehensive coverage and convenience for all family members.
  • Bonus for Claim-Free Years: Policyholders who do not make any claims during a policy year are eligible for a bonus. This bonus is added to the sum insured for subsequent policy years, effectively increasing the coverage amount.
  • Reimbursement of Health Check-ups: The scheme covers the cost of annual health check-ups, ensuring that policyholders can monitor their health regularly and take necessary preventive measures.
  • Ambulance Coverage: The scheme includes coverage for ambulance charges in case of emergency hospitalization or transportation to a healthcare facility. This ensures that individuals receive timely medical

Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Eligibility Criteria 

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online for this scheme:-

  • The applicant must be a resident of the state where the scheme is implemented.
  • The age of the applicant should be between 5 and 65 years.
  • The applicant should not be a beneficiary of any other government health insurance scheme.
  • The applicant should not be an income taxpayer.
  • The applicant should not be a government employee or pensioner.
  • The applicant’s family income should be below the prescribed threshold (as determined by the state government).
  • The applicant should possess a valid Aadhaar card or Aadhaar enrollment number.

Important Documents 

Some of the important documents required to apply online for this scheme are as follows:-

  • Aadhar Card
  • Residence Certificate
  • Income Certificate 
  • BPL Card
  • Bank Account Details 
  • Latest Passport Size Photos 
  • Mobile No
  • Email ID 

Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Apply Online 2024

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online:- 

Karunya Health Insurance Scheme Apply Online 2024
  • Look for the section titled “How to Apply.”
  • Click on the link provided to download the application form in PDF format.
  • Fill out the application form accurately and completely.
  • Gather any additional materials required and submit them along with the application form to the appropriate government agency.

Contact Information

In case queries and questions come to your mind regarding the Karunya Health Insurance Scheme, then you may contact this aforementioned helpline no and email ID:-

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