MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2024: Last Date

MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Apply Online & Application Form | MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Check Benefits & Features | MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Check Selection & Implementation Procedure | MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Check Eligibility & All Details | 

A government program called the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana aims to give farmers in the Indian nation of Madhya Pradesh financial support. This program, which was introduced to increase agricultural productivity and guarantee farmers’ welfare, provides qualified respondents with a range of advantages and incentives. The Madhya Pradesh government launched this extensive program to give farmers support and financial aid.

This article will provide you with all types of information about the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. Apart from this, we will share the process to apply online for this scholarship. To get complete information about this scholarship, read this article till the end.

MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 

An important effort by the Madhya Pradesh government to assist farmers and advance agricultural development is the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana. The program’s aims are to start raising farmers’ incomes, increase farm productivity, incentives and rewards. guarantee the agricultural sector’s sustainable growth in the state by offering financial

The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana is a comprehensive program designed to enhance farmers’ standard of living. The program aims to provide financial support, subsidized loans, crop insurance, soil health cards, training and workshops, market connections, irrigation facilities, organic farming promotion, and promoting gender equality in agriculture in order to change Madhya Pradesh’s agricultural landscape and promise the welfare of its farming community.

MP Kisan Anudan Yojana: Last Date

Highlights of MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2024

The highlights of this scheme are as follows:- 

Name Of The SchemeMP Kisan Anudan Yojana
Launched ByDepartment of Agriculture
Delegated MinistriesMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology
Ministry of Agriculture 
Allocated PortalDBT Portal
ObjectiveTo promote agricultural development and increase farm productivity
Benefit This will enhance the income of farmers and improve their standard of living
Applicable To Citizens of Madhya Pradesh
Beneficiaries Farmers
Beneficiary LimitationAs Per Guidelines
Budget AmountAs Per Guidelines
Form of BenefitClaim Settlement
Hosting SiteNational Information Center (NIC)
Mode Of ApplicationOnline & Offline
Last Date To Apply OnlineWill be updated soon
Office AddressAgricultural Engineering Directorate
Office Complex, 
B. Block, 
Gautam Nagar, 
Near Chetak Bridge,
Bhopal – 462023
Telephone No0755 4935001
Email Id

Objectives of MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2024

The primary objectives of the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana are to:-

  • Promote agricultural development and increase farm productivity.
  • Provide financial assistance to farmers for the adoption of modern agricultural practices.
  • Encourage the use of advanced technology and equipment in farming.
  • Enhance the income of farmers and improve their standard of living.
  • Boost the overall growth of the agricultural sector in Madhya Pradesh.

By achieving these objectives, the government aims to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture and the welfare of farmers in the state.

Beneficiary Category

The scheme is open to all farmers in Madhya Pradesh who fulfil the eligibility criteria set by the government. The scheme covers small, marginal, and large farmers, as well as agricultural entrepreneurs and self-help groups engaged in farming activities. By including a wide range of beneficiaries, the government aims to provide support to farmers from various backgrounds and help them overcome financial barriers in adopting modern agricultural practices.

Application Enrollment Last Dates

The application enrollment for the scheme is open for a specific period announced by the government. Farmers interested in availing the benefits of this scheme must ensure that they submit their applications within the designated timeframe. It is important to stay updated with the official notifications and announcements regarding the last dates for application enrollment to avoid missing out on this opportunity.

Selection Procedure

The selection of beneficiaries under the scheme is done through a transparent and merit-based process. The applications received within the stipulated timeframe are thoroughly scrutinized by the concerned authorities. The selection committee evaluates the eligibility of applicants based on various criteria, such as landholding, farming practices, income, and the proposed use of funds. The final selection is made based on the merit of each application, ensuring that the financial assistance reaches those who genuinely need it.

Implementation Procedure

The implementation of the scheme involves a systematic and streamlined process. Once the beneficiaries are selected, the government disburses the financial assistance directly into their bank accounts. The farmers can then utilize the funds for the approved purposes, such as purchasing agricultural machinery, equipment, seeds, and fertilizers, or for availing training and technical support. The government ensures that the implementation procedure is efficient and hassle-free, enabling farmers to make the most of the financial assistance provided.

Supervision Body

The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana is supervised by the Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare, Government of Madhya Pradesh. This department is responsible for the overall management and monitoring of the scheme. It ensures that the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries and that the scheme is implemented in a transparent and accountable manner. The department also conducts periodic evaluations and assessments to measure the impact of the scheme and make necessary improvements.

Financial Assistance

Under the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana, farmers are provided with financial assistance to meet their agricultural needs. This assistance includes subsidies on agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and machinery. The scheme also offers financial support for the development of irrigation infrastructure, farm ponds, and other agricultural activities.

Subsidized Loans

The scheme facilitates access to subsidized loans for farmers, enabling them to invest in modern agricultural practices and technologies. These loans come with lower interest rates and flexible repayment options, making them more affordable for farmers. The availability of subsidized loans helps farmers expand their operations, improve productivity, and enhance their overall income.

Soil Health Card

Through the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana, farmers are provided with soil health cards. These cards contain detailed information about the nutrient content and health status of their soil. By analyzing the soil health, farmers can make informed decisions regarding the application of fertilizers and other soil management practices. This helps in optimizing crop yield and reducing input costs.

Crop Insurance

To protect farmers from crop losses due to natural calamities or unforeseen events, the scheme offers crop insurance. This insurance coverage provides financial compensation to farmers in case of crop failure or damage. It serves as a safety net for farmers, ensuring that they do not face severe financial hardships in times of crop loss.

Training & Workshops

The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana organizes various training programs and workshops for farmers. These sessions aim to enhance farmers’ knowledge and skills in modern agricultural practices, crop management, and post-harvest techniques. By providing access to training and workshops, the scheme equips farmers with the necessary skills to improve their agricultural productivity and income.

Market Linkages

One of the key objectives of the scheme is to establish strong market linkages for farmers. It helps farmers connect with potential buyers, agro-processing industries, and export markets. By facilitating direct market access, the scheme ensures that farmers receive fair prices for their produce and reduces their dependency on intermediaries.

Irrigation Facilities

The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana focuses on improving irrigation facilities for farmers. It provides financial support for the development of irrigation infrastructure, including the construction of farm ponds, wells, and installation of drip irrigation systems. These facilities help farmers overcome water scarcity challenges and ensure a steady water supply for their crops.

Organic Farming

The scheme promotes organic farming practices among farmers. It offers financial incentives and technical support to encourage farmers to adopt organic farming methods. Organic farming not only improves soil health but also enhances the quality of agricultural produce. It also opens up new market opportunities for farmers in the growing organic food sector.

Farmer Producer Organizations

The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana encourages the formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). FPOs help farmers come together and collectively undertake various agricultural activities such as procurement, processing, and marketing of agricultural produce. By forming FPOs, farmers can achieve economies of scale, negotiate better prices, and access modern technologies and resources.

Women Empowerment

The scheme recognizes the crucial role played by women in agriculture and focuses on their empowerment. It provides financial assistance and support to women farmers, enabling them to participate actively in agricultural activities. The scheme also encourages women to take leadership roles in Farmer Producer Organizations and other agricultural initiatives.

Key Guidelines

Here are some key guidelines to be aware of regarding the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana:-

  • Applicants must fulfil the eligibility criteria specified by the government.
  • The financial assistance provided is subject to the availability of funds.
  • Beneficiaries must utilize the funds for the approved purposes only.
  • Applicants must provide accurate and complete information in their applications.
  • Any false information or misrepresentation may lead to the rejection of the application.
  • Beneficiaries may be required to undergo verification and documentation processes.
  • The government reserves the right to modify or terminate the scheme at its discretion.
  • Any grievances or complaints can be addressed to the designated authorities.
  • Beneficiaries are encouraged to attend training programs and workshops conducted by the government.
  • Regular updates and notifications regarding the scheme can be obtained from the official government portals.

Benefits of MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2024

The benefits of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Financial aid for equipment, seeds, fertilizers, etc.
  • Subsidized loans for farming needs.
  • Funds for building farm ponds, irrigation systems, etc.
  • Crop insurance against natural disasters and pests.
  • Training and skill development programs in modern farming.
  • Improved market linkages for fair prices and reduced dependence on middlemen.
  • Soil testing and organic fertilization practices for increased fertility and yield.
  • Drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting for optimized water usage.
  • Support for agricultural research and development activities.
  • Financial assistance for dairy animals and poultry farming.

Features Of MP Kisan Anudan Yojana 2024

The features of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Under this scheme, farmers are eligible to receive financial assistance for various agricultural activities such as purchasing seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural equipment. This financial aid helps farmers to invest in modern farming techniques and improve their productivity.
  • The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana provides subsidized loans to farmers for setting up agricultural infrastructure like farm ponds, polyhouses, and drip irrigation systems. These loans come with low-interest rates, making it easier for farmers to access credit and expand their farming operations.
  • Under this scheme, farmers receive a soil health card that provides information about the nutrient content and fertility status of their soil. This helps farmers make informed decisions regarding the use of fertilizers and other soil management practices.
  • The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana also offers crop insurance to farmers to protect them from crop losses due to natural calamities, pests, or diseases. This insurance coverage provides financial security to farmers and encourages them to take risks in adopting new farming practices.
  • To enhance the knowledge and skills of farmers, the scheme conducts training programs and workshops on various agricultural practices. These sessions cover topics like crop cultivation, pest management, organic farming, and efficient use of resources.
  • The scheme aims to establish market linkages for farmers, enabling them to sell their produce at fair prices. This helps farmers get better returns for their crops and reduces their dependence on middlemen.
  • Through the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana, farmers can avail financial assistance for installing irrigation systems like tube wells, sprinklers, and drip irrigation. This ensures a regular and adequate water supply, leading to increased crop yields.
  • The scheme promotes organic farming practices by providing financial assistance for organic inputs, vermicompost units, and organic certification. This encourages farmers to adopt sustainable farming methods and produce chemical-free, healthy crops.
  • The MP Kisan Anudan Yojana supports the formation and strengthening of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). These organizations help farmers in collective marketing, bulk procurement of inputs, and accessing government schemes and subsidies.
  • The scheme gives special emphasis on women empowerment in agriculture. It provides financial assistance to women farmers for setting up small-scale enterprises like poultry farming, dairy farming, and beekeeping. This enables women to generate additional income and become self-reliant.

MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Eligibility Criteria 

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online for this scheme:-

EquipmentCategoryRequirement (Tractor Only)Requirement (Other Equips.)
TractorAnyNo grant for tractor/power tiller in last 7 years
Autonomous Agricultural EquipmentAnyNo grant for equipment in last 5 years
Tractor-Driven EquipmentAnyOwn tractor requiredNo grant for equipment in last 5 years
Irrigation EquipmentLandownerNo irrigation equipment benefit in last 7 yearsElectricity connection (electric pump)

Important Documents 

Some of the important documents required to apply online for this scheme are as follows:-

  • Applicant’s Aadhar Card
  • Bank Passbook
  • Caste Certificate (Only For Scheduled Caste And Tribe Farmers)
  • Copy Of B-1
  • Proof Of Electricity Connection
  • Mobile Number
  • Passport Size Photo

MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Apply Online 2024 

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online:- 

  • Visit the Official Website of Farmer Welfare and Agricultural Development and Horticulture and Food Processing Department.
MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Apply Online 2024 
  • Click on the “Apply” option under Agricultural Engineering Directorate.
MP Kisan Anudan Yojana Apply Online 2024 
  • Choose “Through Biometric” or “Without Biometric” as per your preference in the application form.
  • Fill in details like district, block, village, farmer class, agricultural equipment, and Aadhaar number.
  • Click on the “Capture Finger” button for successful registration.
  • Note the system-generated Application Number for future reference.

To Do Login

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to login:-

  • Visit the official website of the Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Department.
  • Click on the “Login” link.
  • Fill in your User ID, Password, and Captcha Code in the Login Form.
  • Click on the “Sign in” button to log in.

Tracking Application Status

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to track their application status:-

  • Go to the official website and click on the “Apply” option.
  • Select “Current Status of Application.”
Tracking Application Status
  • Fill in your Aadhaar number or application number in the form.
  • Click on the “Search” button to view the application status.

Viewing List of Registered Applications

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to view the list of registered applications:-

  • Visit the official website of the scheme.
  • Click on the “List of Registered Applications” option.
Viewing List of Registered Applications
  • Select the category, department, district, block, material, scheme, and current status.
  • Click on the “Search” button to view the list of applications.

Downloading User Manual

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to download the user manual:-

  • Visit the official website of the Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Department.
  • Click on the “User Manual” option.
  • Download the user manual in PDF format.

Downloading MP Kisan Anudan Yojana app

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to download app:-

  • Visit the official website of the Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Department.
  • Click on the “Download App” option.
  • Download and install the app on your device.

Contact Information

In case of queries and questions come to your mind regarding the MP Kisan Anudan Yojana, then you may contact this aforementioned office address, telephone no and email ID:- 

  • Office Address:- 
    • Agricultural Engineering Directorate
    • Office Complex, 
    • B. Block, 
    • Gautam Nagar, 
    • Near Chetak Bridge, Bhopal – 462023
  • Telephone No:- 0755 4935001
  • E-mail

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