Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 2024: Benefits & Last Date

Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 Apply Online & Application Form | Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 Check Benefits & Features | Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 Check Selection & Implementation Procedure | Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 Check Eligibility & All Details | 

The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 is an initiative by the Government of India aimed at promoting tourism and cultural exchange within the country. This scheme, which is an extension of the original Swadesh Darshan Scheme, focuses on the development of tourist circuits that showcase the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of India. Through this scheme, the government aims to boost tourism, create employment opportunities, and enhance the overall socio-economic development of the regions.

This article will provide all types of information about the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. We will also share the process to apply online for this scheme. To get complete information about this scheme, read this article till the end.

Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0          

The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 is a government initiative aimed at promoting tourism and fostering the development of various regions across India. This scheme focuses on the development of theme-based tourist circuits, which not only showcase the rich cultural heritage of the country but also create employment opportunities and boost the local economy. By developing theme-based tourist circuits, the scheme aims to attract both domestic and international tourists, thereby increasing footfall and revenue generation in these regions.

The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 plays a crucial role in promoting tourism and fostering the development of various regions in India. By focusing on theme-based tourist circuits, the scheme ensures the preservation of cultural heritage, creation of employment opportunities, and sustainable development. Through collaboration with stakeholders and the promotion of lesser-known destinations, the scheme aims to unlock the tourism potential of the country, contributing to socio-economic growth and inclusive development.

Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0: Benefits & Last Date

Highlights of Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 2024

The highlights of this scheme are as follows:- 

Name Of SchemeSwadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0
Launched By Central Govt
Delegated MinistryMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology 
ObjectiveTo develop and promote thematic tourist circuits that highlight the unique cultural, historical, and natural attractions of different regions in India
Benefit This will attract more domestic and international tourists
Applicable To Citizens of India
Beneficiaries Wider Range of Categories
Mode Of TransferDBT (Direct Benefit Transfer)
Payment Mechanisme-payment mechanism or PFMS
Form of BenefitFinancial Assistance
Amount of benefitVariable Assistance
Hosting SiteNational Information Center (NIC)
Last Date To Apply OnlineWill be updated soon
Mode Of ApplicationOnline 
Official WebsiteClick Here

Objectives of Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 2024

The objectives of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 are multi-fold. Firstly, it aims to develop and promote thematic tourist circuits that highlight the unique cultural, historical, and natural attractions of different regions in India. These circuits are carefully curated to provide tourists with a holistic experience, allowing them to immerse themselves in the local culture, traditions, and natural beauty of the destinations they visit.

Secondly, the scheme aims to create sustainable tourism infrastructure and amenities in these circuits. This includes the development of accommodation facilities, transportation networks, and other necessary infrastructure to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience for tourists. By investing in these infrastructure projects, the government hopes to attract more domestic and international tourists, thereby boosting the local economy and creating employment opportunities for the local population.

Top 10 Visions

The top 10 visions of this scheme are as follows:-

  • One of the key visions of Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 is to prioritize sustainable tourism development in all project activities. By promoting eco-friendly practices and preserving the cultural heritage of each destination, the scheme aims to ensure the long-term viability of tourism initiatives.
  • Another important aspect of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 is the focus on improving infrastructure in tourist destinations. This includes upgrading transportation networks, enhancing accommodation facilities, and developing tourist-friendly amenities to enhance the overall visitor experience.
  • The scheme also aims to promote local culture and traditions by showcasing unique art, music, dance, and cuisine in each thematic circuit. By engaging local communities in tourism development, the scheme aims to create a sense of pride and ownership among residents.
  • Rural tourism development is a key focus area of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0. By creating opportunities for tourists to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations and experience authentic village life, the scheme aims to boost economic growth in rural areas.
  • To ensure the success of tourism initiatives, the scheme aims to strengthen the human resource capacity in the tourism sector. This includes providing training and skill development programs for local guides, artisans, and service providers.
  • In line with the government’s vision of a digital India, the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 aims to leverage technology to enhance the visitor experience. This includes the development of digital platforms for booking tours, accessing information, and engaging with local communities.
  • Preserving India’s rich cultural heritage is a top priority for the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0. By restoring and conserving historical sites, monuments, and landmarks, the scheme aims to showcase India’s unique heritage to the world.
  • Adventure tourism is gaining popularity among travelers, and the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 aims to tap into this growing trend. By developing adventure sports facilities, trekking routes, and outdoor activities, the scheme aims to attract thrill-seekers to India’s diverse landscapes.
  • Improved connectivity is essential for boosting tourism, and the scheme aims to enhance transport links to key tourist destinations. This includes upgrading roads, railways, and air connectivity to make it easier for visitors to explore different thematic circuits.
  • To protect the environment and minimize the impact of tourism on natural resources, the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 promotes sustainable practices such as waste management, water conservation, and energy efficiency in all tourism initiatives.

Beneficiary Category 

The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 is open to a wide range of beneficiaries. It aims to benefit not only tourists who seek to explore the diverse cultural and natural heritage of India but also the local communities residing in the selected circuits. By promoting tourism in these regions, the scheme aims to generate income and employment opportunities for the local population, thereby improving their standard of living and contributing to their overall socio-economic development.

Application Enrollment Last Dates

Applications for enrollment in the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 can be submitted online through the official website of the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. The enrollment process typically opens at specific intervals, and interested individuals or organizations can apply within the stipulated time frame. It is important to note that the last dates for enrollment may vary for different circuits, so it is advisable to check the official website for the latest information.

Selection Procedure 

The selection procedure for the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 involves a rigorous evaluation process. The applications received are thoroughly reviewed and assessed based on various criteria such as the feasibility of the proposed project, its potential for attracting tourism, and its alignment with the overall objectives of the scheme. The selection committee comprises experts from the tourism industry, government officials, and other relevant stakeholders who carefully evaluate each application before making the final selection.

Implementation Procedure 

Once the projects are selected, the implementation procedure begins. The selected applicants are provided with the necessary financial assistance and technical support to execute their proposed projects. The government closely monitors the progress of the projects to ensure their timely completion and adherence to the prescribed guidelines. This ensures that the allocated funds are utilized efficiently and effectively to achieve the desired outcomes.

Supervision Body 

The supervision and monitoring of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 are carried out by a dedicated body established by the Ministry of Tourism. This body is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the scheme, conducting regular inspections, and evaluating the impact of the projects. The supervision body works closely with the selected applicants and provides them with guidance and support throughout the implementation process.

Boost to Tourism

The primary objective of the Scheme is to boost tourism in India. By developing theme-based tourist circuits, the scheme aims to attract both domestic and international tourists, thereby increasing footfall and revenue generation in these regions.

Cultural Preservation

One of the key features of the Scheme is the preservation and promotion of the rich cultural heritage of India. The scheme focuses on developing tourism infrastructure in areas that are known for their cultural significance, ensuring that these traditions and practices are preserved for future generations.

Employment Generation

The implementation of the Scheme leads to the creation of employment opportunities in the tourism sector. As tourist circuits are developed and promoted, there is a demand for skilled and unskilled workers, thereby providing livelihood opportunities to the local population.

Sustainable Development

The Scheme emphasizes sustainable development. The scheme promotes the use of eco-friendly practices and encourages the conservation of natural resources. This ensures that tourism development is carried out in a responsible manner, minimizing the impact on the environment.

Infrastructure Development

Under the Scheme, significant emphasis is placed on the development of tourism infrastructure. This includes the construction and upgradation of roads, accommodation facilities, tourist information centers, and other amenities, making it easier and more convenient for tourists to explore these regions.

Connectivity Improvement

The scheme focuses on improving connectivity to the tourist circuits. This involves the development of better transportation facilities, including roads, railways, and air connectivity. Improved connectivity ensures that tourists can easily access these destinations, encouraging more people to visit.

Diversification of Tourism

Through the Scheme, the government aims to diversify the tourism offerings in India. By developing theme-based circuits that focus on different aspects such as cultural heritage, wildlife, spiritual tourism, and adventure tourism, the scheme ensures that there is something for every type of traveler.

Collaboration with Stakeholders

The success of the Scheme relies on collaboration with various stakeholders. The government works closely with state governments, local communities, and private sector entities to ensure the effective implementation of the scheme. This collaboration helps in creating a sustainable and inclusive tourism ecosystem.

Promotion of Lesser-Known Destinations

The scheme aims to promote lesser-known destinations that have the potential to attract tourists but are often overlooked. By developing infrastructure and promoting these destinations, the Scheme helps in unlocking the tourism potential of such regions, thereby spreading the benefits of tourism across the country.

Socio-Economic Development

Lastly, the Scheme contributes to the socio-economic development of the regions where it is implemented. Tourism development leads to increased economic activity, job creation, and overall improvement in the standard of living of the local population. This, in turn, helps in reducing regional imbalances and promoting inclusive growth.

Key Guidelines 

The key guidelines are as follows:- 

  • Identification of Tourist Circuits: State governments and Union Territories are required to identify potential tourist circuits based on their unique cultural, natural, and historical significance.
  • Integrated Development: The development of tourist circuits should be done in an integrated manner, focusing on improving connectivity, infrastructure, and amenities.
  • Community Participation: Involving local communities in the planning and implementation process is crucial to ensure the preservation of local culture and heritage.
  • Sustainable Development: Projects should be designed and executed with a focus on sustainability, considering environmental, social, and economic aspects.
  • Public-Private Partnership: Encouraging private sector participation and investment is essential for the successful implementation of the scheme.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Effective marketing and promotion strategies should be adopted to create awareness and attract tourists to the developed circuits.
  • Quality Control: Regular monitoring and evaluation of projects should be conducted to maintain high-quality standards.
  • Capacity Building: Training programs and skill development initiatives should be organized to enhance the capabilities of stakeholders involved in the tourism sector.
  • Innovation and Technology: Utilizing innovative approaches and technology can enhance the overall tourist experience and improve efficiency in managing tourist circuits.
  • Financial Management: Proper financial management and accountability should be maintained to ensure the optimal utilization of funds.

Important Instructions 

Some important instructions issued for applicants are as follows:- 

  • Timely Execution: State governments and Union Territories should adhere to the timelines provided for the completion of projects and utilization of funds.
  • Compliance with Regulations: All projects should comply with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines set by the government.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Transparency in project implementation and financial transactions is essential to build trust and ensure accountability.
  • Stakeholder Consultation: Engaging with local communities, tourism industry stakeholders, and experts is crucial for effective planning and execution.
  • Safety and Security: Ensuring the safety and security of tourists should be given utmost priority, and necessary measures should be taken accordingly.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting the local culture, traditions, and sensitivities of the host communities is essential for maintaining harmonious relationships.
  • Accessibility: Efforts should be made to improve accessibility for differently-abled individuals, ensuring inclusivity in tourism.
  • Heritage Conservation: Preservation and conservation of heritage sites and monuments should be prioritized to maintain their historical and cultural significance.
  • Tourism Infrastructure: Developing tourist-friendly infrastructure, including accommodation, transportation, and amenities, is crucial for a positive tourist experience.
  • Collaboration and Cooperation: State governments, Union Territories, and other stakeholders should collaborate and cooperate to ensure the success of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0.

Tips & Tricks

Some tips and tricks are as follows:-

  • Thoroughly research the selected tourist circuit and understand its unique attractions and requirements.
  • Develop a comprehensive and well-structured project proposal that clearly outlines the objectives, implementation plan, and expected outcomes.
  • Highlight the potential economic and social benefits of the proposed project for the local community and the region as a whole.
  • Collaborate with local stakeholders, such as community organizations and tourism boards, to strengthen the project’s credibility and feasibility.
  • Ensure that the proposed project aligns with sustainable tourism practices and contributes to the conservation of the region’s natural and cultural heritage.
  • Stay updated with the official announcements and notifications regarding the scheme.
  • Seek guidance from experts or professionals in the tourism industry to enhance the quality of the project proposal.
  • Maintain transparency and integrity throughout the application process.
  • Be prepared for any additional documentation or information requested by the selection committee.
  • Follow up on the status of the application and address any queries or concerns raised by the authorities promptly.

General Points to Remember

Some general points to remember are as follows:-

  • The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 is a significant initiative to boost tourism and promote cultural exchange in India.
  • The scheme focuses on the development of tourist circuits, infrastructure, and amenities to attract domestic and international tourists.
  • State governments, Union Territories, and other stakeholders should adhere to the guidelines and instructions provided for effective implementation.
  • Transparency, sustainability, and community participation are key principles of the scheme.
  • Regular monitoring, evaluation, and collaboration are essential for the success of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0.
  • By embracing the tips and tricks provided, stakeholders can maximize the impact of the scheme and create memorable experiences for tourists.
  • The scheme plays a crucial role in promoting India’s rich heritage, culture, and natural beauty, contributing to the growth of the tourism industry and the overall economy.
  • It is important to remember that the successful implementation of the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 requires the collective efforts and commitment of all stakeholders involved.

Benefits of Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 2024

The benefits of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Boost to Tourism: The scheme aims to boost tourism by developing and promoting tourist circuits, which will attract more tourists to different parts of the country.
  • Economic Growth: The development of tourist destinations will have a positive impact on the local economy, creating job opportunities and generating revenue.
  • Infrastructure Development: The scheme focuses on improving the infrastructure of tourist destinations, including roads, accommodation, and other facilities, to enhance the overall tourist experience.
  • Promotion of Culture and Heritage: The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 aims to showcase the rich cultural heritage of India by developing and promoting cultural and heritage sites.
  • Preservation of Natural Resources: The scheme emphasizes the importance of preserving and protecting the natural resources and environment of tourist destinations.
  • Sustainable Tourism: The development of tourist circuits under the scheme follows sustainable tourism practices, ensuring the long-term viability of the destinations.
  • Enhanced Connectivity: The scheme focuses on improving connectivity to tourist destinations, making it easier for tourists to access and explore different parts of the country.
  • Promotion of Local Handicrafts and Cuisine: The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 aims to promote local handicrafts and cuisine, providing a platform for local artisans and culinary experts to showcase their skills.
  • Job Creation: The development of tourist circuits and infrastructure will create job opportunities for the local population, contributing to the overall socio-economic development of the region.
  • Enhanced Tourist Experience: The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 aims to provide a memorable and enriching experience for tourists, offering them a glimpse into the diverse cultural heritage of India.

Features Of Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 2024

The features of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Tourist Circuit Development: The scheme focuses on developing tourist circuits, which include multiple destinations with a common theme, such as religious, cultural, or historical significance.
  • Integrated Development: The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 promotes integrated development by ensuring the holistic development of tourist destinations, including infrastructure, connectivity, and amenities.
  • Public-Private Partnership: The scheme encourages public-private partnerships to leverage the expertise and resources of both sectors for the development and promotion of tourist circuits.
  • Community Participation: The involvement of local communities in the planning and implementation of the scheme ensures their active participation and benefits the local economy.
  • Marketing and Promotion: The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 includes marketing and promotional activities to create awareness about the tourist circuits and attract more tourists.
  • Capacity Building: The scheme focuses on capacity building by providing training and skill development opportunities to the local population, enabling them to actively participate in the tourism industry.
  • Quality Assurance: The development of tourist destinations under the scheme follows quality assurance guidelines to ensure the delivery of high-quality services to tourists.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: The implementation of the scheme is closely monitored and evaluated to ensure its effectiveness and address any challenges or issues.
  • Financial Assistance: The government provides financial assistance to the implementing agencies for the development of tourist circuits under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0.
  • Technology Adoption: The scheme encourages the adoption of technology for the efficient management and promotion of tourist destinations, including the use of digital platforms for information dissemination.

Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 Eligibility Criteria 

The Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 is open to various stakeholders, including state governments, union territories, and private sector entities. The eligibility criteria for participation in the scheme may vary depending on the specific requirements and guidelines set by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

Interested stakeholders can refer to the official website of the Ministry of Tourism or contact the relevant authorities for detailed information on the eligibility criteria and application process for the Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0.

Important Documents 

Some of the important documents required to apply online for this scheme are as follows:-

  • Aadhar Card
  • Residence Certificate
  • Income Certificate 
  • Educational Certificates 
  • Bank Account Details 
  • Latest Passport Size Photos 
  • Mobile No
  • Email ID 

Swadesh Darshan Scheme 2.0 Apply Online 2024

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online:-

  • Identify a potential destination based on the state perspective plan and the scheme guidelines.
  • Prepare a destination master plan with the help of a project development and management consultant.
  • Submit the master plan to the Ministry of Tourism for in-principle approval.
  • Prepare a detailed project report for each destination with the estimated cost, timeline, and outcomes.
  • Submit the project report to the Ministry of Tourism for final approval and sanction.
  • Implement the project as per the approved report and the scheme guidelines.

Important Downloads

The links to important files are as follows:-

FileLink Provided
Guidelines PDFClick Here

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