One Country One Ration Card Scheme 2024: Apply Online

One Country One Ration Card Scheme Apply Online & Application Form | One Country One Ration Card Scheme Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | One Country One Ration Card Scheme Check Benefits & Features | One Country One Ration Card Scheme Check Selection & Implementation Procedure | One Country One Ration Card Scheme Check Eligibility & All Details | 

The government’s ground-breaking effort to update India’s public distribution system (PDS) is the One Country One Ration Card (OCORC) program. Under this program, participants can pick up their subsidized food grains from any Fair Price Shop (FPS) in the nation, regardless of where they were born. The OCORC program, which aims to support national integration and give migrant workers more flexibility, has the potential to completely change how food grains are distributed to the most disadvantaged groups in society.

This article will provide all types of information about the One Country One Ration Card Scheme 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. We will also share the process to apply online for this scheme. To get complete information about this scheme, read this article till the end.

One Country One Ration Card Scheme          

Under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), beneficiaries of the One Country One Ration Card (OCORC) program can obtain the food grains to which they are entitled from any FPS in the nation. Ration card holders no longer have to buy their food grains from a specific FPS in their home state thanks to this portability feature. Recipients can obtain their subsidized food grains from any FPS in the nation by simply verifying their identity through biometric authentication or Aadhaar verification.

The Indian government launched the One Country One Ration Card (OCORC) Scheme with the goal of ensuring food security for all of its citizens. No matter where they were born, people can use any Fair Price Shop (FPS) in the nation to get ration benefits under this program. The PDS is made more accessible, transparent, and efficient by this revolutionary project, which eventually improves the lives of millions of beneficiaries nationwide.

One Country One Ration Card Scheme: Apply Online

Highlights of One Country One Ration Card Scheme 2024

The highlights of this scheme are as follows:- 

Name Of SchemeOne Country One Ration Card Scheme
Launched By Central Govt
Delegated MinistryMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology 
ObjectiveTo empower beneficiaries and provide them with the freedom to access their entitled food grains
Benefit This will reduce their dependency on a specific location for availing of ration
Applicable To Citizens of India
Beneficiaries Wider Range of Categories
Mode Of TransferDBT (Direct Benefit Transfer)
Payment Mechanisme-payment mechanism or PFMS
Form of BenefitFinancial Assistance
Amount of benefitVariable Assistance
Hosting SiteNational Information Center (NIC)
Last Date To Apply OnlineWill be updated soon
Mode Of ApplicationOnline 
Official WebsiteClick Here

Objectives of One Country One Ration Card Scheme 2024

The primary objective of the One Country One Ration Card Scheme is to empower beneficiaries and provide them with the freedom to access their entitled food grains from any FPS in the country. This eliminates the need for individuals to depend on a specific FPS in their locality and allows them to procure their ration from any shop across the states. The scheme also aims to reduce instances of corruption and leakage in the PDS system by leveraging technology and digitization.

The One Country One Ration Card (OCORC) Scheme is a transformative initiative by the Government of India aimed at providing a more efficient and accessible public distribution system (PDS) for food grains. This scheme enables beneficiaries to access their entitled food grains from any fair price shop (FPS) across the country, regardless of their location. By eliminating duplication, reducing corruption, providing easy access to food, offering flexibility, enabling real-time tracking, reducing paperwork, empowering beneficiaries, bringing financial savings, and ensuring nationwide coverage, the OCORC scheme revolutionizes the way food grains are distributed.

Beneficiary Category 

Under the OCORC scheme, various categories of beneficiaries are eligible to avail the benefits. These include migrant workers, daily wage earners, and individuals who frequently move across states for employment or other reasons. The scheme ensures that these individuals can access their ration entitlements seamlessly, irrespective of their location. This not only provides them with food security but also reduces their dependency on a specific location for availing ration.

Application Enrollment Last Dates

The application enrollment for the One Country One Ration Card scheme is an ongoing process. Individuals can apply for the scheme by visiting the official website of the concerned State Food and Civil Supplies Department. The website provides a user-friendly interface where applicants can fill in their details and submit the necessary documents online. The last dates for enrollment may vary from state to state, and individuals should check the official website for specific deadlines.

Selection Procedure 

The selection procedure for the OCORC scheme is based on the verification of the applicant’s details and documents submitted during the enrollment process. Once the application is approved, the beneficiary’s details are linked with their Aadhaar card or any other identification document. This linkage ensures that the entitled ration reaches the intended beneficiaries without any duplication or misuse.

Implementation Procedure 

The implementation procedure of the One Country One Ration Card scheme involves the integration of the PDS system across states. The Central Government is working in collaboration with the State Governments to ensure the seamless functioning of the scheme. Efforts are being made to establish a robust technological infrastructure that enables real-time tracking of ration distribution and prevents any instances of diversion or pilferage.

Supervision Body 

The supervision of the OCORC scheme is carried out by the State Food and Civil Supplies Department in coordination with the Central Government. Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted to ensure the effective implementation of the scheme and address any issues or challenges that may arise. Grievance redressal mechanisms are also in place to provide assistance and support to beneficiaries in case of any concerns or complaints.

Eliminating Duplication

One of the key advantages of the OCORC scheme is the elimination of duplicate ration cards. Under the previous system, beneficiaries were required to possess separate ration cards for each state they resided in, leading to multiple cards for the same individual. This often resulted in fraudulent practices and the diversion of food grains. With the OCORC scheme, a unique identification number is assigned to each beneficiary, ensuring that only one ration card is issued per person. This not only reduces the chances of duplication but also helps in identifying and eliminating bogus ration cards.

Reducing Corruption

The OCORC scheme significantly reduces corruption within the PDS. By linking the ration card with the Aadhaar card, a biometric identification system, the scheme ensures that only genuine beneficiaries receive their entitled food grains. This biometric authentication process minimizes the possibility of middlemen and corrupt officials siphoning off food grains or diverting them to the black market. The transparency and accountability brought about by the OCORC scheme help in curbing corruption and ensuring that the intended beneficiaries receive their rightful share of food grains.

Easy Access to Food

Prior to the implementation of the OCORC scheme, beneficiaries faced difficulties in accessing their entitled food grains when they moved to a different state. They had to go through the cumbersome process of transferring their ration cards, which often resulted in delays and denial of essential food supplies. With the OCORC scheme, beneficiaries can now avail their entitled food grains from any FPS across the country, making it easier for them to access food even when they are away from their home state. This ensures that no beneficiary is deprived of their basic nutritional needs due to relocation.


The OCORC scheme offers flexibility to beneficiaries in terms of choosing the FPS from where they want to avail their food grains. This empowers them to select a shop that is convenient and provides quality service. The scheme also enables beneficiaries to change their FPS if they are dissatisfied with the services or if they relocate to a different area. This flexibility ensures that beneficiaries have control over their access to food and are not bound by geographical constraints.

Real-Time Tracking

The OCORC scheme incorporates technology to enable real-time tracking of food grain distribution. By digitizing the PDS, the government can monitor the movement of food grains from the central godowns to the FPS. This ensures transparency and accountability in the distribution process, making it easier to identify any discrepancies or irregularities. Real-time tracking also allows for timely intervention in case of any issues, ensuring that beneficiaries receive their entitled food grains without any delays or disruptions.

Reduced Paperwork

Prior to the OCORC scheme, beneficiaries had to go through a tedious paperwork process when transferring their ration cards or availing food grains in a different state. This often led to delays and administrative hassles. With the implementation of the OCORC scheme, the need for extensive paperwork is significantly reduced. Beneficiaries can now avail their entitled food grains by simply providing their Aadhaar card and undergoing biometric authentication. This streamlined process saves time and resources, making the distribution system more efficient and user-friendly.

Empowering Beneficiaries

The OCORC scheme empowers beneficiaries by giving them the freedom to choose where and when to avail their entitled food grains. This shift from a location-based system to a portable system ensures that beneficiaries have control over their food security. It also reduces their dependence on local FPS and enables them to make informed decisions regarding their nutritional needs. This empowerment enhances the dignity and agency of beneficiaries, making them active participants in the public distribution system.

Financial Savings

The OCORC scheme brings financial savings for both beneficiaries and the government. With the elimination of duplicate ration cards and the reduction in corruption, the government can optimize the allocation and distribution of food grains. This leads to cost savings and efficient utilization of resources. For beneficiaries, the scheme reduces the financial burden of transferring ration cards and availing food grains in a different state. The financial savings accrued from the OCORC scheme can be redirected towards other social welfare programs, further benefiting the citizens.

Nationwide Coverage

The OCORC scheme aims to achieve nationwide coverage, ensuring that no eligible beneficiary is left out of the PDS. This comprehensive approach eliminates the disparities and inequalities that existed in the previous system. The scheme covers both rural and urban areas, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their location, has access to their entitled food grains. The nationwide coverage of the OCORC scheme is a significant step towards achieving food security and reducing hunger in the country.

Key Guidelines 

The key guidelines are as follows:- 

  • Beneficiaries must possess a valid Aadhaar card or any other identification document for enrollment.
  • Applicants should provide accurate and up-to-date information during the enrollment process.
  • The scheme is applicable only for individuals who fall under the eligible beneficiary categories.
  • Beneficiaries can avail their ration entitlements from any FPS in the country.
  • Real-time tracking of ration distribution is enabled through the use of technology.
  • Efforts are being made to eliminate instances of corruption and leakage in the PDS system.
  • Grievance redressal mechanisms are in place to address any concerns or complaints.
  • The scheme aims to provide food security to all citizens across the country.
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted to ensure effective implementation.
  • The OCORC scheme is an ongoing process, and individuals can apply at any time.

Important Instructions 

Some important instructions issued for applicants are as follows:- 

  • Ensure that the Aadhaar card or identification document is linked with the ration card.
  • Keep the ration card and Aadhaar card handy while availing ration from an FPS.
  • Report any discrepancies or issues in the ration distribution to the concerned authorities.
  • Do not share personal details or Aadhaar information with unauthorized individuals.
  • Do not engage in any fraudulent activities or misuse of the ration card.
  • Adhere to the guidelines and regulations set by the PDS system.
  • Keep track of the entitlements and ensure timely renewal of the ration card.
  • Cooperate with the authorities during the verification and enrollment process.
  • Inform the concerned authorities in case of any change in address or contact details.
  • Spread awareness about the OCORC scheme among eligible individuals.

Tips & Tricks

Some tips and tricks are as follows:-

  • Make a list of essential items before visiting the FPS to ensure a hassle-free experience.
  • Check the availability of stock at the FPS before visiting to avoid any inconvenience.
  • Utilize the digital platforms and mobile applications provided by the PDS system for easy access to information and updates.
  • Keep track of the entitlements and ensure timely utilization to avoid any wastage.
  • Opt for digital payment modes, if available, for a cashless and convenient transaction.
  • Report any malpractices or irregularities in the PDS system to the concerned authorities.
  • Participate in awareness campaigns and community initiatives to promote the OCORC scheme.
  • Seek assistance from the helpline numbers or customer support services, if required.
  • Stay updated with the latest guidelines and notifications related to the scheme.
  • Share feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the OCORC scheme.

General Points to Remember

Some general points to remember are as follows:-

  • The OCORC scheme aims to provide food security to all citizens across the country.
  • Beneficiaries can avail of their entitled ration from any FPS in the country.
  • Efforts are being made to eliminate corruption and leakage in the PDS system.
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted to ensure effective implementation.
  • Beneficiaries should adhere to the guidelines and regulations set by the PDS system.
  • Any concerns or complaints can be addressed through the grievance redressal mechanisms.
  • Spread awareness about the scheme among eligible individuals to maximize its benefits.
  • Stay updated with the latest information and notifications related to the scheme.
  • Cooperate with the authorities during the verification and enrollment process.
  • Report any discrepancies or issues in the ration distribution to the concerned authorities.

Benefits of One Country One Ration Card Scheme 2024

The benefits of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Portability: The OCORC scheme allows beneficiaries to access their ration entitlements from any FPS in the country, making it convenient for migrant workers and their families.
  • Eliminates duplication: With a centralized database, the scheme helps eliminate duplicate ration cards and ensures that benefits reach the intended beneficiaries.
  • Reduces corruption: By digitizing the ration card system, the scheme minimizes the scope for corruption and leakages in the distribution of food grains.
  • Easy access to food: The scheme ensures that individuals facing temporary or permanent migration can easily access subsidized food grains in any part of the country.
  • Flexibility: Beneficiaries can choose the FPS nearest to their current location, providing them with the flexibility to access their entitlements without any hassle.
  • Real-time tracking: The OCORC scheme enables real-time tracking of food grains distribution, ensuring transparency and accountability in the system.
  • Reduced paperwork: With the implementation of the scheme, individuals no longer need to apply for a new ration card when they move to a different state or region.
  • Empowers beneficiaries: The scheme empowers beneficiaries by giving them the freedom to choose where they want to avail their ration entitlements.
  • Financial savings: The OCORC scheme reduces the financial burden on migrant workers who no longer need to spend money on purchasing food grains at higher prices.
  • Nationwide coverage: The scheme ensures that no individual is deprived of their right to food, irrespective of their place of residence.

Features Of One Country One Ration Card Scheme 2024

The features of this scheme are as follows:-

  • Interoperability: The scheme allows beneficiaries to access their ration entitlements from any FPS in the country, irrespective of the state or region.
  • Centralized database: The scheme maintains a centralized database of ration cardholders, which helps in eliminating duplicate cards and ensuring efficient distribution of food grains.
  • Biometric authentication: Beneficiaries can use their Aadhaar card or any other authorized identification document for biometric authentication at the FPS.
  • Seamless integration: The OCORC scheme is seamlessly integrated with the Public Distribution System (PDS) to ensure smooth functioning and effective implementation.
  • Real-time monitoring: The scheme enables real-time monitoring of ration distribution, ensuring transparency and preventing any irregularities.
  • Digitized records: The scheme digitizes the entire ration card system, reducing paperwork and making it easier to maintain and update records.
  • Mobile application: The government has also launched a mobile application that allows beneficiaries to check their entitlements, FPS details, and other relevant information.
  • Flexibility in FPS selection: Beneficiaries have the flexibility to choose any FPS within their state or region, ensuring convenience and accessibility.
  • Effective grievance redressal: The scheme has provisions for addressing grievances and complaints related to ration distribution, ensuring prompt resolution.
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation: The government conducts regular monitoring and evaluation of the scheme to identify areas for improvement and ensure its effective implementation.

One Country One Ration Card Scheme Eligibility Criteria 

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to apply online for this scheme:-

  • Individuals must possess a valid ration card issued by the respective state or union territory.
  • Beneficiaries must have their Aadhaar card or any other authorized identification document for biometric authentication.
  • The scheme is applicable to both below-poverty-line (BPL) and above-poverty-line (APL) families.
  • Beneficiaries must comply with the rules and regulations set by the respective state or union territory regarding the OCORC scheme.
  • Individuals must ensure that their ration card details are updated and accurate to avoid any discrepancies during the authentication process.

Important Documents 

Some of the important documents required to apply online for this scheme are as follows:-

  • Aadhar Card
  • Residence Certificate
  • Income Certificate 
  • Educational Certificates 
  • Bank Account Details 
  • Latest Passport Size Photos 
  • Mobile No
  • Email ID 

One Country One Ration Card Scheme Apply Online 2024

No online or offline application needed: Beneficiaries are automatically included based on Aadhaar linking with existing ration cards.

State list:

  • Visit the Integrated Management of Public Distribution System (IMPDS) website.
  • Find the list of participating states on the website homepage.

Aadhaar Linking With Ration Card

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to link adhar card with the ration card:-

  • Visit the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) website.
  • Click “Start Now” and enter your address.
  • Select “Ration Card Benefit” and enter your Aadhaar and ration card numbers, email, and mobile number.
  • Enter the OTP received on your mobile number.
  • Linking will be confirmed on-screen.

Downloading Mera Ration App

The applicants will need to follow the below-mentioned points to download the app:-

  • Open the Google Play Store on your phone.
  • Search for “Mera Ration Mobile App.”
  • Install the app from the top result.

One Nation One Ration Card Scheme (ONORC): Top 10 FAQs

The One Nation One Ration Card Scheme (ONORC) aims to ensure national portability of food security benefits for ration card holders in India. Here are the top 10 FAQs:-

1. What is the One Nation One Ration Card Scheme?

This scheme allows ration card holders to access their subsidized food grains from any fair price shop (FPS) in the country, regardless of where their ration card is issued.

2. Who is eligible for the scheme?

All existing and future ration card holders in India are eligible to benefit from the ONORC scheme.

3. What are the benefits of the scheme?

  • Convenience: Allows beneficiaries to access rations even when they are away from their home state, which is beneficial for migrant workers, students, and others who frequently move locations.
  • Reduced wastage: Minimizes food grain wastage due to non-utilisation of rations in areas with low offtake.
  • Transparency and accountability: Promotes transparency and accountability in the Public Distribution System (PDS).
  • Empowerment: Empowers beneficiaries by giving them more control over their food security.

4. How to avail benefits under the scheme?

  • Existing ration card holders don’t need to apply separately, their existing card becomes valid nationwide.
  • New applicants need to apply for a ration card in the state they reside in.
  • Beneficiaries need to inform their local FPS or concerned authorities about their intention to access rations from another state.
  • Inter-state ration cards can be obtained through online or offline portals (availability may vary by state).

5. What documents are required to avail benefits in another state?

  • Valid ration card issued by any state/UT in India.
  • Aadhaar card (recommended).
  • Ration card portability application form (if required by the state).

6. What are the challenges associated with the scheme?

  • Integration of state-level PDS systems: Requires seamless integration of various state-level PDS systems for efficient data sharing and transaction processing.
  • Infrastructure development: Upgrading infrastructure in some areas might be needed to ensure smooth implementation.
  • Awareness generation: Ensuring proper awareness and outreach programs to inform beneficiaries about the scheme’s functionalities.

7. Which states are currently implementing ONORC?

As of March 2024, all 36 states and UTs in India have been integrated into the ONORC scheme.

8. What happens if a state is not integrated into the scheme?

Ration card portability will not be available in states that are not yet integrated. Beneficiaries will need to access rations from their home state’s FPS.

9. What are the future plans for the scheme?

  • The government aims to continuously improve the scheme’s efficiency and expand its reach to cover all eligible beneficiaries.
  • Integration with additional services and features might be explored in the future.

10. Where can I find more information about the scheme?

  • You can visit the official website of the Department of Food & Public Distribution, Government of India (
  • You can also consult the website of your state’s Food & Civil Supplies department or contact your local FPS for further information.

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